Popular Decks
Published by jackspar at 11/11/2024
3 Favorites
This deck revolves around the Nidoran family, using a seamless evolution line to pressure opponents with a mix of strong attacks and versatile options. Starting with Nidoran F, you evolve through Nidorina and Nidoqueen to establish solid board presence, while Nidoran M and its male evolution line, Nidorino and Nidoking, bring additional offensive power. The inclusion of Kangaskhan and Tauros adds flexibility, providing backup attackers and utility. With Potion for healing, X Speed for faster setups, and Poke Ball and Professor’s Research to enhance consistency and draw power, the deck is built for smooth transitions between stages, allowing for a steady offensive while maintaining adaptability throughout the match.

Published by J0ltC0la at 11/12/2024
2 Favorites
The deck I used to beat the Charizard deck in solo mode for the Grass only challenge.

Recent Decks
Published by exba at 2/18/2025
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Use Heatran to stall or threaten on bench and use Skarmory for early and easy damage. Charge Magneton with ability and evolve after ~4 ability uses.

Published by dkabal at 2/18/2025
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Start with Druddigon with a stone helmet on the active field. energize darkrai and evolve greninja while dealing effect damage from the bench. In the late game, switch druddigon with darkrai and end the match.

Meta, Fun
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