Published by Nuggie_D at 11/27/2024
0 Favorites
A deck that has won a tournament of over 300 players! Great use of Arcanine & Charizard in one deck!

Published by Nuggie_D at 11/13/2024
2 Favorites
Gengar is one of the strongest pokemon cards if you manage to get him online. This will be a work in progress to make a viable gengar deck in the current meta and this has been working relatively well for me at the moment. The idea is to continuously prevent your opponent from using support cards like giovanni/misty etc throughout the entire match

Published by Nuggie_D at 11/13/2024
1 Favorites
Deck featuring regular and promo lapras EX. I think this is the most effective way to play the EX Lapras while the regular laprass is a great secondary partner to the EX as a means to start dmging the enemy should misty fail. Greninja is a fantastic support dps with low retreat cost and it's amazing passive "water shruiken" which allows him to do 20 dmg to any enemy pokemon on the field