This deck revolves around the Nidoran family, using a seamless evolution line to pressure opponents with a mix of strong attacks and versatile options. Starting with Nidoran F, you evolve through Nidorina and Nidoqueen to establish solid board presence, while Nidoran M and its male evolution line, Nidorino and Nidoking, bring additional offensive power. The inclusion of Kangaskhan and Tauros adds flexibility, providing backup attackers and utility. With Potion for healing, X Speed for faster setups, and Poke Ball and Professor’s Research to enhance consistency and draw power, the deck is built for smooth transitions between stages, allowing for a steady offensive while maintaining adaptability throughout the match.
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Love the Kangaskhan inclusion. Back when I was a kid and Togepi was the highest-number Pokemon known of, I always used to put Kangaskhan with the Nidos, mentally. All of them need more love.
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Draw Simulator
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Published by dkabal at 2/18/2025
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Start with Druddigon with a stone helmet on the active field. energize darkrai and evolve greninja while dealing effect damage from the bench. In the late game, switch druddigon with darkrai and end the match.