Published by rogueKlyntar at 1/7/2025
0 Favorites
Electric-type deck with lots of coin usage. Raichu is the least risk-laden card, but also requires the most Energy, aside from Zapdos. Electabuzz, Pikachu and Zapdos each have two different cards, but you can use two of either one if desired.

Fun, Theme
Published by rogueKlyntar at 1/6/2025
1 Favorites
Nidocards and Item/Support. Draw NidoranMs as quickly as possible via Pokeballs and NidoranFs, heal and retreat NidoranF/Nidorina/Nidoqueen until at least one Nidoking has been evolved. Can make for 3-2 wins and 2-3 losses when facing specific cards like Lumineon, but strategy is simple, straightforward and strong.