Published by bilbooo at 12/20/2024
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Idk I made celebi but like as bulky as I could make it (inspired by the fact i'm convinced mew + 2 budding expeditioners is the best new combo in giving u a 3 card investment for what is practically 360hp (not 390 cos it wld die if it went to 0 lol). Having to run 1 ofs of all ur mons is slow but also makes poke balls more consistent. I'm currently 7-1 with it with one of those wins being against celebi serp lol, i imagine the mew2 mu is tough as balls but i haven't played it yet.

Published by bilbooo at 12/20/2024
1 Favorites
You should start with an event mankey if you can. I did one of each primeape cos the original has huge high-roll potential but the new one is still pretty strong with 50 damage while 1 energy lets you setup your marshadows. Try to always have a marshadow on the bench with one energy attached, it makes it really hard for the other player to make progress when your threatening an immediate 2 energy 100 damage. Aero is great at cleaning up at the end of the game, marowak ex just as good but boring.

Published by bilbooo at 12/19/2024
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Grapploct is generally the most consistent for getting more lilligant hits. You want to reset until you are starting second. You need to have either petilil or celebi for your first turn to not waste energy: do not put more than 1 energy on petillil you can wait for serp to save an energy. Reset if you are forced to put a second energy on lilligant, or if you have neither. Do not use Sabrina defensively, it should only be used for extra hits with lilligant. (Mew/expeditioner is for stall).