Published by bbheng249 at 3/16/2025
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Grass type stall deck intended to maximize healing potential using Erika + Irida along with Shaymin to mitigate any chip damage from Rocky Helmet, Darkrai/Crobat, etc.

Meta, Versus
Published by bbheng249 at 3/16/2025
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The idea of this deck is to tank hits with Melmetal by taking advantage of its Hard Coat ability + Adaman, then recover over the course of the match with Shaymin's healing support.

Versus, Fun
Published by bbheng249 at 3/16/2025
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This deck is intended to (hopefully) counter common Water decks by taking advantage of Mamoswine's Thick Fat ability combined with Irida & Shaymin to tank / heal off any damage that you take from your opponent's Water (or Fire) type Pokemon.

Versus, Fun
Published by bbheng249 at 3/16/2025
1 Favorites
The premise of this deck is to wall / stockpile extra energies using Giratina while setting up your Infernape EX on the bench, then switch out for free with Levitate. After using Flare Blitz, use Dawn to move an energy from Giratina to Infernape so you can immediately use Flare Blitz again on your following turn.

Meta, Versus
Published by bbheng249 at 3/16/2025
0 Favorites
The premise of this deck is simple — lead with Sigilyph to build a draw advantage while setting up your Togekiss on the bench, then start spamming Overdrive Smash for major damage.