Published by Nausicaa at 2/2/2025
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Alakazam, mew and mewtwo

Versus, Solo
Published by Nausicaa at 2/2/2025
1 Favorites
Shaymin can help to heal every turn to the whole team if the enemy has Spiritomb or another pokemon that can hit the bench, it can also be used as a sacrifice if you need 1 more turn, rocky helmet is mainly intended for Moltres. We have many searchers (pokeball, teacher and communication) to get the deck out as soon as possible, this speeds up in which we take out Infernape. Dawn can help us to attack 2 times with Infernape or attack with Moltres fast if Infernape doesn't come out

Meta, Versus
Published by Nausicaa at 1/31/2025
1 Favorites
This deck is quite solid, since using Spiritomb for 1 energy you generate constant pressure to all the opponent's pokemon and with the help of Darkrai on the bench you can also hit the active pokemon. On the other hand it allows you to easily access Weavile's ability and Cyrus' item. With the cape tool you can get more HP for Spiritomb and the damage pokemon that suits you best damage dealer. The main counter of this deck is Shaymin, in these cases you should take more advantage of Weavile.

Meta, Versus, Solo
Published by Nausicaa at 1/31/2025
2 Favorites
The idea of this deck is that you can switch between electrode and luxray without energy cost, so it avoids using items to switch pokemon. Electrode is designed to be able to attack early and do as much damage as possible. Once Electrode is defeated by then you should take advantage of Luxray and Volk to finish the game by killing the ex pokemon on the bench or finishing the necessary points.