Published by Cloudknife at 1/22/2025
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Nobody runs Metal and that should change. This deck is fun AND wins, not as hard as meta-decks but not as weak as some either. Take the new Pidgeys + Pidgeot EX and the old Pidgeotto's as well as the new Tauros and old Kangaskhan for a solid Early + Late Game that covers most threats. Opening with Meltan for a turn three, 3-energy Melmetal feels awesome and only costs 1 point when it dies. Every pokemon here is meaty, so you can buy time to build your Pidgeot, very fun !

Published by Cloudknife at 1/22/2025
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Previous Machamp deck featuring Sandslash is even stronger in the new season, with the inclusion of Leaf and Aerodactyl, as well as removing all pokeballs, this deck is even more aggressively dominant, even more agile, and extremely difficult to counter even for Psychic-type decks. Pokeball won't pull Old Amber, and all you need is 1 Machop to win, so we free up more room for items + support to enable our pokemon to wipe the floor. 5x'd the event first try with only 1-2 tough fights.

Versus, Solo, Fun
Published by Cloudknife at 1/22/2025
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Unoriginal Mew Deck from the new Mythical Island series that is enjoyable to play for practicing the basics of Pokemon TCG mechanics due to it's highly technical and punch-counterpunch gameplay.

Fun, Theme
Published by Cloudknife at 12/10/2024
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This is the deck I used for 100 wins by level 18. I have 2 Marowak EX's I can sub Sandslash out for, but I don't use them because: 1. RNG, and 2. People forfeit if you just throw EX's at them, more fun to battle it out. Turn 1 put Hitmonlee or Sandshrew, be aggressive and get early kills on their late game starters. If they're EX spamming get Sandslash w/ 1 energy and counter attack, 70 damage turn 3 is big value. If you haven't wont yet, build Machop and believe in the heart of the cards.