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Published by kofirony at 12/16/2024
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Fun deck to snipe low hp Basic Pokemon

Versus, Fun
Published by Aycetrainer at 12/15/2024
1 Favorites
This deck utilizes Old Amber to guarantee drawing Meltan or Kangaskhan as a starting basic. The goal is to either get an early Amass off, or stack energy with Kanga tanking hits and immediately swapping to Melmetal to sweep. I like Pokedex here because it gives you a better chance at finding an evo if needed by checking your next 3 cards and using a Pokeball to draw a basic + re-shuffle your deck.

Published by inkwje at 12/15/2024
1 Favorites
Kingler is our main striker and Misty (hopefully) counters the high attack cost. Mienshao is great for dealing quick damage and counterattacking from the lightning type. Bruxish covers Kingler, imagining his use in intermediate/final matches where the opponent has at least half of his Pokémon damaged. Sabrina can be changed.