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Published by Aycetrainer at 12/17/2024
1 Favorites
This deck utilizes Brock to speed up energy on Golem. Druddigon acts as a tank, soaking 100 damage and dealing 20 for (0) energy with the Rough Skin ability. Once you have (4) energy on Golem start sweeping. 120 damage + 190HP (-30 damage shield) means Golem can tank a hit from everybody besides Charizard and Celebi. Alternate techs (Dugtrio, Marshadow, Hitmonlee, Aerodactyl) Protect is solid, Marshadow is good for when Druddigon is KOd, Lee for clean ups, and Aerodactyl is mid tbh.

Meta, Fun
Published by Vizaura at 12/17/2024
0 Favorites
Literally. Only 1 Celebi EX and 1 Mew EX. The other 18 cards are supporter cards that work well with them.

Versus, Fun
Published by lucaslustosaezz4 at 12/17/2024
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Just the regular koga but with new adds from island

Versus, Solo
Published by Espurrito at 12/17/2024
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Dragonite decks are scum and this is no different. Built to hit Pokemon either on the bench or in the active slot. NOTE: Uses the new Electabuzz from the Mythical Island packs who has the attack "Thunder Spear: This attack does 40 damage to one of your opponents Pokemon". Will update when the site does

Versus, Solo, Fun
Published by Aycetrainer at 12/17/2024
0 Favorites
This deck utilizes Pidgeot to force swaps to allow Lapras time to set up and sweep. Use potions to keep Lapras healthy and try to flip a few heads on Misty.