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Published by Nifty19 at 12/19/2024
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They are on a watch list. And now so are you

Fun, Theme
Published by MarsXL at 12/18/2024
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Not your standard mewtwo/mew deck This deck utilizes weezing/arbok/koga to synergize with mew/budding expeditioner

Published by XixoMaluco at 12/18/2024
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Really really speedy Fast Accelerated Deck with a cool gimmick If mastered can be more consistent than u think

Published by XixoMaluco at 12/18/2024
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Pretty self explanatory and works SO well Have fun

Meta, Versus
Published by Chacho60 at 12/18/2024
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Having trouble with onions? Get yourself a sharp knife. Gist of the decks is basically a alteration on a Blaine deck, it uses the new ponyta/rapidash line-up, I know, I know we all love former rapidash going first but this is not _that_ Blaine deck. The trick here is to also use a single moltres as tank/accelerator for the higher energy cost, and amass as much energy for rapidash-ninetales on the first turns, trust me it's still a fast aggressive deck and works wonders with celebi matchups.

Meta, Versus, Fun
Published by mphz at 12/18/2024
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Flareon x Celebi Omastar x Mew/Mewtwo And Vapes just to have a good option for a bit of damage/walling and flexibility. I guess you can change Druddigon for something else, but he's just a great basic wall with good damage. I know his life isn't high enough, but he can come in with 90dmg (100 with Gio) and avenge those who fell before him. The ideia for this deck came after I tried to create a Dragonite and Druddigon deck but it didn't feel good. So he's here because of that too xD.

Published by KyleBackwards at 12/18/2024
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Build up energy for Genome Hacking on Mew in case of strong enemy active attack. Evolve and prepare Pidgeot EX for strong attack when Mew isn’t necessary. Use Snorlax to tank while setting up. Use X Speed and Leaf to move around as needed. Use Sabrina and Pidgeot ability to mess with opponents active Pokémon. Use two different energies in case of psychic matchup so you can stack non-psychic energies for Mewtwo EX counter and not lose psychic energy.

Published by ildaren at 12/18/2024
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Bring back your opponents weak Pokémon to be swapped back to die again. Not tested but looks fun.

Versus, Fun
Published by ildaren at 12/18/2024
1 Favorites
This deck revolves around the Celebi EX and Serperior combo. Serperior's ability makes each leaf energy count as 2 instead of 1. This allows for lots of coins flips for Celebi resulting in big damage. Exeggutor Ex is in the deck as a early threat with a 1 energy attack and wall to absorb damage while you build energies on your Celebi. Hope you enjoy playing the deck! -ildaren

Meta, Versus, Fun
Published by XixoMaluco at 12/18/2024
2 Favorites
Versatile Drudigon with single energy 1 stage evolutions for support and a Sleepy Guy i found on the street. Have fun and win!