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Published by D3nInBooots at 12/6/2024
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Deck takes a second to get going but one you do you are pretty much unkillable unless you get one shot. Don’t take grass energy unless you want to but to make it more consistent you can leave it because you are only using butter free for their ability. When one of your cards get low you can just swap them out due to low retreat cost and use butter free to keep them healthy.

Versus, Fun
Published by D3nInBooots at 12/6/2024
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Use your Poliwrath and Greninja to do free damage to your opponent. Use Poliwrath to tank and attack. Use Greninja to do free chip damage to any Pokemon or to finish off a Pokemon that retreated. Use the potion on snorlax to let him tank more as you setup or on poliwrath to let him reflect more. Use snorlax to tank damage as you setup your other pokemon because they are all stage two pokemon and early pressure with make you an easy target. Use misty if you can’t draw snorts to do damage early on

Meta, Versus
Published by Aycetrainer at 12/6/2024
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This deck utilizes (3) energy (Fire, Water, Lightning) to give you the chance to copy abilities with Ditto. Set up your Eevee's with different energies and evolve them to which ever Eeveelution you draw! Kangaskhan can help stall a bit longer while you set up and Misty will help with water energy for Vaporeon. Use PokeDex in conjunction with PokeBall to search your next (3) cards, and PokeBall to shuffle if you don't have what you need. If you're lucky you can set up Ditto and copy a big move!

Published by Aycetrainer at 12/6/2024
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This deck utilizes Shadow Claw to delete the cards in your opponents hand. Use in conjunction with Red Card to drop their hand to (3) cards, then attack with Persian to bring it down to (2). Set up Hypno to sleep their active Pokemon and keep spamming Shadow Claw. Use PokeDex with PokeBall to check if you'll draw your Evo's or Red Card. If you don't see what you need, use Pokeball to shuffle your deck. Side deck: - Hand Scope

Published by Aycetrainer at 12/6/2024
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This deck utilizes Venomoth's poison to weaken your opponent so Beedrill can clean up. No xSpeed is needed in this deck as each mon only uses (1) energy to attack giving you plenty of extra energy to use to retreat if needed. Swap between Venomoth and Beedrill to keep your opponents Pokemon poisoned or weakened. Use Potions and Erika to keep Venomoth or Beedrill healthy and continue to sweep. Side deck options: - x1 Gio - x1 PokeBall

Published by Aycetrainer at 12/6/2024
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This deck uses Brock to get Onix out quickly with Greninja and Giovanni to cover for Onix's slightly low (70) damage, boosting potential turn damage to 100 (70+20+10). Side deck cards you can swap around: - Misty - Meowth - Red Card

Published by Maro del Capo at 12/6/2024
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Mewtwo + gardevoir Lavori in corso