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Published by Chacho60 at 12/10/2024
1 Favorites
Arcanine / Charizard ex deck for the pvp emblem event, got 5 streak easily beating pikachu decks. Giovanni is there exclusively for arcanine in a situation when you only have him online and you're facing a zapdos ex, this is for the emblem event so it can happen quite frequently, but you can replace it for anything else if you must.

Meta, Versus
Published by 1337David at 12/10/2024
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Early game aggression from tentacruel/brux into Gyarados to finish.

Versus, Solo
Published by Miquid at 12/10/2024
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3 color value pile starring Ditto and low cost, relatively high impact cards. The colors chosen were specifically designed to copy meta decks with Ditto. You can replace Electric with another type you want Ditto to copy instead and Heliolisk will still be able to attack, but Electric is most useful because Zapdos Ex is weak to its own moves. You can replace Mewtwo with Articuno or Zapdos if you prefer low retreat over HP. This deck avoids using Ex mon as the intent is to trade 1 for 1 favorably.

Meta, Fun
Published by KaFron at 12/10/2024
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My deck for 5 wins in a row event. Great against most metas.

Published by Koni at 12/10/2024
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Heavy work in progress. Deck is meant to LIVE. Might swap out some Pokemon and items for Pokemon.

Versus, Fun
Published by Koni at 12/10/2024
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One of a fair few Dragonite decks I'm want to experiment with. May take out a 'Nite for a second Sabrina card but that's TBD.

Versus, Fun
Published by danhoenn at 12/10/2024
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Dragonite from Genetic Apex with a Koga loop to wall out the opponent with Weezing. Just writing down a list that i did NOT make myself! No darkness energy required :)