Arcanine EX/Moltres EX
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Published by Chacho60 at 12/18/2024
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Having trouble with onions? Get yourself a sharp knife. Gist of the decks is basically a alteration on a Blaine deck, it uses the new ponyta/rapidash line-up, I know, I know we all love former rapidash going first but this is not _that_ Blaine deck. The trick here is to also use a single moltres as tank/accelerator for the higher energy cost, and amass as much energy for rapidash-ninetales on the first turns, trust me it's still a fast aggressive deck and works wonders with celebi matchups.

Meta, Versus, Fun
Published by mphz at 12/18/2024
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Flareon x Celebi Omastar x Mew/Mewtwo And Vapes just to have a good option for a bit of damage/walling and flexibility. I guess you can change Druddigon for something else, but he's just a great basic wall with good damage. I know his life isn't high enough, but he can come in with 90dmg (100 with Gio) and avenge those who fell before him. The ideia for this deck came after I tried to create a Dragonite and Druddigon deck but it didn't feel good. So he's here because of that too xD.