This deck can control the active pokemon card, giving you more chances to win
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Tags: Meta, Versus
This deck has a strong opening with Doduo/Dodrio, Petilil -> lilligant for faster set up of Venusaur, Venomonth for extra damage with poison and Finally Pidgeot for getting some finish
Well tbh i like some of the ideas but it's somewhat scattered so I fear inconsistency. I think I'd double down on just one or two of the stronger synergies. For example the pidgeot will undo the poison from your venomoth when switching so that's counter intuitive to an extent. Also lilligant is great for stacking energy on the venosaur so I'd personally double up on those in place of the dodrio line. Lastly I'm not a big fan of 2 stage 2 pokemon in a deck, tho this one only has one of each copy, I still feel that's another possible addition to inconsistency here. Sorry definitely trying to be constructive and not any kind of way dismissive of your idea friend 🙏
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Draw Simulator
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Published by Alborotal at 3/15/2025
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The inclusion of single copies of Stage 2 Pokemon like Venusaur, Serperior, and Leafeon ex, with minimal support for evolving them quickly, suggests a reliance on drawing them at opportune moments or using cards to search them out.

Published by avivs5j7y at 3/15/2025
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Published by alexander“deadbolt”thompsonsqrf at 3/13/2025
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works well for me