So, the deal is: We can use our weezing to tank and poison to deccrease some active's HP in some rounds till articuno gets 3 energy, while we re gathering the support damage to wipe out the enemy backboard (greninja), of course using the koga strategy to retreat and damage all the board. using dark energy its for your purpose, i dont use. well, its been working for me since the enemy has the only way putting the active in the back bcus of the damage taken, greninja's 20 + arti's 10 is the key. kinda weak against fast decks like pika's and starmie's but we have the gambling chance using misty, so i think its fun to use even loosing! hope u enjoy
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I'll try this later! I personally feel like tentacruel may work well in place of the articuno and misty but I'm just partial against them 🤷♂️
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